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One Mum's Story


From being in an abusive relationship and with an ex trying to turn people against me, I was no stranger to feeling alone and isolated.


When I came to FIT with my young son who was only a few months old, I didn’t know what to expect. Locally, I had no family or close friends nearby like many others seemed to have.


The truth is I was lonely, tired, and afraid that my ex had or would try turning the parents against me at local groups.

It took me a while to realise this probably wasn’t going to happen, and over time I was able to speak to other parents, which helped build my confidence more. The staff were supportive and kind. They welcomed me and my son, and my son still enjoys going to the groups and being around the other children and some of the mums.


Before my son was a year old he started falling over a lot, there were frequent trips to A&E. It was obvious something was wrong, and soon he had developmental delays. The staff, especially Michelle was supportive and listened. I found strength from this as I was so worried for my son; words cannot describe how worried and upset I was, I cried often because it was heart-breaking to see him struggling. I was so scared he might fall and I wouldn’t catch him in time, I feared he may have a serious accident. There wasn’t a day since he started to walk that I didn’t have to catch him, I still have to catch him now over a year later. Extra safety measures were brought into the home to protect him due to him stumbling.


With worry and tiredness from lack of sleep, and having to take extra care to protect my son, I have to say going to this group and being able to talk really helped.


My son has suspected Autism and is currently going through the multi disciplinary. I do feel FIT has helped him with his development. It has given him opportunities to walk and run around more, and to learn by watching other children. Many mothers suspected something was different with my son, but he was made to feel welcome and treated the same as all the other children, my son enjoys being around the other children and he enjoys hugging some of them.


My son has a best friend that he met at group and now visits out of group too. He is so excited to go on the bus and visit his friend.

My son‘s balance is better than it was, although he still does stumble. He has started talking more, tries painting at group and at home by using the toy cars. He has started to like art which is nice as he seemed to have a sensory issue about touching certain things with his hands. He enjoys being around the children at group, and I love seeing him happy.


FIT helped us socially, with advice, support, and gave my son extra opportunities with messy play, mixing with others his own age, different toys, seeing other children eat around a table and singing songs with other children.


I believe FIT works because the staff, parent’s panel, and parents make it work. There are many friendly people there, a wealth of information, experienced staff with genuine empathy, and dedication.


With FIT, the children really do matter, and this was the case for my son.

Jo's Story


I have been attending the group with my son for three years. Before I arrived at Families in Telford I had no friends and barely spoke to anyone on a daily basis, having moved to Telford from a completely different part of the country.

I only knew my husband and felt very isolated.


When I became pregnant with my son I was adamant that he was going to he was going to have good social skills and started to take him to different playgroups in the area. I found Families in Telford through word of mouth of another mum and it changed my life. I went from feeling isolated and alone, to having so many friends I could lean on and depend on to help me. I now have the confidence to talk to people and completed a maths qualification that I swore I’d never do as my confidence was too low.


I love coming to the groups seeing my child thrive and building my confidence. That is all thanks to the other parents and carers and the amazing staff.


Families in Telford is much more than a playgroup. It’s definitely the most wonderful project I’ve been a member of and has definitely changed my life for the better.

Rachael's Story


Rachael was attending Sutton Hill Families Project in 2000 during her second pregnancy. Following the birth of her second child she developed a serious postnatal depression and felt suicidal.


She confided in a project worker who immediately arranged for a doctor's appointment and following this Rachael gradually overcame her depression with treatment. Rachael described her story in a video made to publicize the work of Sutton Hill Families Project, a precursor charity that amalgamated with the Woodside Family Groups charity to form Families in Telford.


Following the improvement of her postnatal depression, Rachel was given the confidence and support to return to college to study for an access course, following which she started a midwifery course. Rachel worked locally as a midwife and now volunteers in Families in Telford when she can.

Lisa's Story


Lisa was attending Woodside Family Groups in 1999 and was a mother of four children. She enjoyed the groups and despite having left school without qualifications decided after the support of her project workers that she would be interested in applying for a similar role to theirs.


It was an advertised job working as a group facilitator for a new local antenatal and postnatal support group that would be run in partnership with the Sutton Hill Families Project. She was interviewed when heavily pregnant in her fifth pregnancy and was successful.


Following the birth of her daughter she commenced work after her maternity leave to become a very popular and successful project worker. Subsequently Lisa successfully applied for a post with Telford and Wrekin council and has successfully held a number of posts, currently supporting the independent residents of a local community of elderly people.

A Dad's Story


I first came across Families in Telford groups through my wife, who had been taking our son to the groups at the Park Lane Centre in Woodside. Although I rarely attend myself due to being at work, there has been a real benefit to our family from being part of the Families in Telford project.


Before my wife had been introduced to the Families in Telford project groups by another mum, her week was largely made up of looking after our son and then seeing me after work once I got home. This lack of interaction with other adults put a strain on us both, but particularly regarding her mental health. She was often down and felt isolated in not having healthy adult relationships outside of our own.


This all changed once she was welcomed into the groups run by the Families in Telford project through which she has grown a network of friendships with other mums who can support and advise her as well as just being there to talk to. From an outside perspective, I can see what a bond these women have built up with each other and how they help each other with raising their children.


My son has also benefited greatly from the groups, with building friendships with the children in the group. He has always looked up to the older children in the group and tried to copy what they are doing.

I believe this has played a big part in his social and academic development, helping him to become the caring, outgoing boy he is, while also aiding him in his speech, counting, writing, painting and much more.

Although I have not attended often, whenever I do, I am always welcomed into the groups and made to feel part of the family.


Over the last 3 years, Families in Telford has been invaluable to our family.

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